Current Books Available
Deliver Us From Evil: A Prayer For Our Times
Deliver Us from Evil: A Prayer for Our Times is a book written for the volatile evil times in which we live and what primarily the Christian church needs to know and do about it. Its purpose is to move beyond the performance stage to view the backstage, to look behind at the often unrecognized spiritual and evil infrastructure that constantly influence and corrupt what we see on the world’s popular stage. It explains why truth on every level is under attacked. It exposed the satanic strategy of lies, camouflage, hidden agendas, hidden spiritual wars that contribute to evil in the world. It reveals the many ways in which the Christian church is being dragged into wars God did not call us to fight, while neglecting the one he called us to fight. It reveals why the evangelical church is so deadly silent about God’s good news to our world while evil news is always viral in our times.
Most of all, this book lays out how we must fight our battles. It reveals the detailed biblical battle plan God gave his followers to follow, to fight, and to win. It shows the path back to the real spiritual war against evil God called his people to engage. It delivers the often hidden foundational reason and purpose for Christ’s prophetic prayer to his followers. This book shows Jesus’s prayer was meant particularly for our times and dispensation just before he returns to finally and ultimately “deliver us from evil.” It is one of the most important Christian books for survival for the Christian church’s effective witness in our times.

The Death of Wisdom The Rise of Folly: Why We Must Care
"Wisdom is riding on a passenger train of time on a collision course with destiny, and we are all in for the ride. This book is about wisdom riding on this train."
These words, as part of the introduction of the book, set the specific context and overall challenge and purpose for this book. Here, wisdom is likened to a lady riding on the train of civilization past prominence in a social, political, and spiritual direction. But the book argues in recent times, she has been forced to ride in the back of the train. Her wisdom of the ages is despised, and her steady influences of the ages are ignored.
Now we live in a vast field of folly. How do we find our way out? How do we see her, hear her, and love her again? This is the story of this book.

2 Chronicles 7:14
"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
Job 12:1
"Doubtless you are the only people who matter, and wisdom will die with you!"

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